Members Dig Deep to Protect Future Jobs

Published: 1 Sep 2014

Workers aboard Floating Production Storage Offloading (FPSO) vessel Ningaloo Vision have stumped up $6000 to fight the ongoing and future attacks by ideological warriors in Government and business.

National Secretary Paddy Crumlin commended the members for their contribution and understanding the struggle that lay ahead.

“On behalf of the union, I would like to sincerely thank you for the $6000 contribution from MUA members employed on FPSONingaloo Vision for the Maritime Jobs Legal Fighting Fund,” Crumlin said.

“The ability to mount legal defences is a significant plank in our campaign to ensure maritime workers are employed in the offshore and every other maritime sector, and that they have strong and representative rights as trade unionists.

“MUA members on the Ningaloo Vision have again distinguished themselves and this donation will make a material difference to the funding of current and future court cases.

He said with such support, reinforced by the rest of the membership the MUA was in better stead to vigorously fight the Abbott Government’s draconian plan.

“We will do everything within our powers to protect employment opportunities and the industrial rights of Australian maritime workers in all sectors of employment.”


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney