Mass PWCS rally sparking international demand for justice

Published: 9 Aug 2013

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Port Waratah Coal Services workers and union supporters from across the country and around the world will rally tomorrow (Friday) to demand that PWCS cease its union-busting posture and negotiate a fair deal.

The mass rally will take place at 1pm at Curlew St, Kooragang Island, Newcastle, opposite the front gate of the PWCS terminal.

The rally will feature a host of high-level union leaders from a cross-section of industries.

“I have come here with a simple message for PWCS: the global maritime community is now taking on this fight,” said Willie Adams, the Secretary-Treasurer for the US International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), who is traveling in Australia to build solidarity for PWCS workers.

MUA Assistant National Secretary Ian Bray reiterated the union’s long-standing position, expressed publicly for many months, that the end goal is to reach a fair deal.

“We are determined to reach an agreement, hopefully through productive discussions with the company,” Mr Bray said.

“But, we are also building alliances around the world that will send a message to suppliers and the maritime industry that we will continue to engage in lawful actions to ensure that our members get a fair deal.”

MUA Newcastle Branch Secretary Glen Williams underscored that the membership of the union is solidly behind continued action.

“Our members, who have made this terminal highly productive and operated in a framework of harmonious labour relations for many years, continue to be greatly disappointed that the company’s continued belligerence and attacks on job security are standing in the way of a fair deal,” Mr Williams said.

Other speakers at the rally will include Ian Murray, CFMEU Mining and Energy Division; Michael Aird, Transport Workers Union; and Dean Summers, the National Coordinator for the 4.5-million member International Transport Workers Federation.

Talks between union members and PWCS have been underway for over a year. The single bargaining unit representing workers comprises the Maritime Union of Australia, the Transport Workers Union, the Electrical Trade Union, and the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union.

WHAT:PWCS workers rally for a fair deal

WHEN:1pm, Friday, 9 August, 2013

WHERE:Curlew St, Kooragang Island, Newcastle (opposite PWCS terminal)

Media contacts:

Jonathan Tasini, MUA Communications Department — 0439 674 764

Glen Williams, MUA Newcastle Branch Secretary — 0401 271 740 (voice or text)

Ian Bray, MUA Assistant National Secretary


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney