Maritime Unions Pass Resolution to Support Philippines Workers

Published: 18 Nov 2013

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[Picture: The resolution was unanimously passed at the RMF meeting.]

The MUA, MUNZ and PNGMTWU have resolved to support the people of the Philippines through the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and its Filipino affiliates after Typhoon Hiayan devastated their homeland. The typhoon has caused billions of dollars in damage, killing and injuring many people and leaving families homeless.

The destruction left in the wake of the recent typhoon has had a major impact on the participants of the Regional Maritime Federation inaugural meeting and as a result the unions have moved to pledge full support to those in peril. Unions at the Region Maritime Federation inaugural meeting pledged full support to those affected by the typhoon. The group recognised that maritime communities, seafarers and port workers have been among the hardest hit.

Participating unions of the Regional Maritime Federation meeting strongly support our ITF affiliates, the Associated Marine Officers’ and Seamen’s’ Union of the Philippines (AMOSUP) and the Philippine Seafarers Union (PSU) following the devastation and destruction caused by Typhoon Hiayan.

The historical and cultural links between AMOSUP, PSU and the Maritime and Transport unions of the Asia Pacific means that full support and solidarity will be offered in times of need. 

Image - Typhoon_Philippines_Haiyan.jpg
[Picture: Hundreds of thousands of people have been left homeless and without basic supplies by Typhoon Haiyan which ripped through the Philippines.]

Make a donation: 

Account number for Thyphoon donations is:


BSB 802 884

Account 4626S2

Must put ‘Typhoon’ as narrative – we will then transfer to APHEDA AS A GROUP DONATION FROM MUA


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney