Manufacturing Unions Launch Petition To Save The Australian Automotive Industry

Published: 6 Feb 2012

The Australian Workers' Union and Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union today launched a petition to save the Australian automotive industry - following moves from the Coalition to axe funding and threaten jobs.

AWU National Secretary Paul Howes called on workers to get behind the campaign and sign the AWU/AMWU petition to support local car manufacturers.

"The car industry is one of the major cornerstones on which one million local manufacturing jobs rest," Mr Howes said.

"Despite calls from his own frontbench to reconsider, Tony Abbott's refusal to commit to any assistance beyond 2015 is a disaster for the automotive industry and Australian manufacturing as a whole.

Bi-partisan support is needed for auto industry assistance package

"When Australian manufacturing is facing the worst crisis since the great depression, we need to see bi-partisan support for this assistance package to ensure the automotive industry has a future in this country.

"This petition gives our members a voice to call on the Coalition to support the working men and women of Australia by backing the Federal Government's auto industry rescue package."

The petition will be signed by manufacturing workers right across the nation whose jobs are directly and indirectly affected by the automotive industry.

It will then be formally tabled in parliament during the first sitting week of February.

Tony Abbott is out of touch with the community

"Tony Abbott is out of touch with the community when it comes to manufacturing - and the car industry in particular," Mr Howes said.

"We know 68 per cent of voters support current assistance to the industry - and that includes 72 per cent of Liberal/National voters.

"It's time to send Tony Abbott a message loud and clear - he needs to get behind Australian manufacturing and back this package."

AWU members are being encouraged to fill out the petition above and to get their workmates to do the same.

Sign the petition here:



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney