Letter of Thanks from William Soler Children's Hospital, Cuba

Published: 23 Sep 2012

The following is a letter of thanks from Dr. Eugenio Selman
, Director-Cardiocentro Pediátrico of the William Soler Children’s Hospital, Cuba. MUA rank and file raised over $10,000 from a Tas Bull Silent Auction, held at the 2012 MUA National Conference. The letter to the hospital announcing the donation can be read here.

[Pictured below: MUA National Secretary and ITF President Paddy Crumlin was part of an ITF delegation to Cuba last month. ITF General Secretary David Cockroft and RMT General Secretary Bob Crow were also present.]

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Mr. Padraig Crumlin, MUA National Secretary

and President of the International Transport Workers Federation

Dear Mr. Crumlin,

I received with honor and deep satisfaction on behalf of our Hospital Cardiocentro Pediatrico William Soler the communication about the donation of the Tas Bull International Aid Project from the Maritime Union of Australia.

We are deeply recognized with all the good Australian friends that have been making strong efforts during many years for support our Hospital and give health to our children.

The 10, 000 dollars could be very useful for acquiring an UPS (battery unit) for protecting from power cuts the Angioscope equipment at our Cath Laboratory, where we perform the hearth catheter studies in babies.

Thank you again, dear friend Mr. Crumlin, to you and all comrades at MUA.

With our best wishes, In solidarity,

Dr. Eugenio Selman

Director-Cardiocentro Pediátrico


Image - TBIA Letter donation to Cuban Hospital July 2012[2).jpg


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney