Jones is Full of Hot Air, Herbert Needs a Change

Published: 30 Jun 2016

The electorate of Herbert has been neglected in the past three years as a result of Ewen Jones’s lack of action on anything meaningful, as a result protestors hit up his electorate office in Townsville yesterday.

Maritime Union of Australia Deputy National Secretary Will Tracey, who was in Queensland to meet with a host of recently sacked and precariously employed workers, said Ewen Jones needed to front on the region’s unemployment crisis.

“It’s an atrocious time to be unemployed in Townsville and the surrounding regions, particularly if you happen to be under the age of 25, where prospects are bleak,” Mr Tracey said.

“Jones has presided over a 2.5 per cent increase in unemployment since his Government was elected in 2013. That’s the second worse increase in Queensland; he’s only marginally outdone by his neighbouring LNP colleague – George Christensen in Dawson.

“He is disingenuous when it comes to his electorate’s job crisis, with his crocodile tears and passing the blame of his failures onto others.

“This has been proven by his Government’s rejection to match the ALP State Government’s unconditional contribution on a new stadium which the Federal ALP has also agreed to fund and will undoubtedly boost jobs in the medium and long-term.”


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney