Jobs Embassy Returns To The Lawns Of Parliament House In Canberra

Published: 8 May 2017

The MUA Jobs Embassy is on again in Budget week on the lawns out the front of Parliament House.

MUA National Secretary Paddy Crumlin said the Jobs Embassy was set up last year in the lead-up to the federal election to highlight the plight of workers adversely affected by Abbott/Turnbull Government failures and policies.

“Unfortunately, very little has changed with the Turnbull Government still pressing ahead with its ideologically driven agenda to give tax cuts for wealthy, multinational corporations while telling pretty much everyone else to tighten their belts,” Mr Crumlin said.

“At the same time we have the Fair Work Ombudsman neglecting obvious cases of wage theft instead pursuing workers from the MV Portland over the loss of their jobs.

“What sort of society is this when workers forcibly removed in the middle of the night from their workplace are the ones the Turnbull Government agencies come after? Why aren’t they out there chasing unscrupulous Flag of Convenience shipping companies instead?

“Add to that a number of other disputes including news that Fairfax journalists may be pursued by the Fair Work Ombudsman for standing up for their jobs and it’s clear the system is broken.

“So unionists from across the board will be out the front of Parliament all week, telling it like it is and doing their bit to hold the Government to account.

“The MUA will also highlight ongoing concerns over coastal shipping. While the Government has released a discussion paper, its agencies are still handing out temporary licenses like confetti and undermining the intent of the Coastal Trading Act.

“It’s time to stand up for the rights and conditions of Aussie seafarers.”

Event times for Budget Day are:

Tuesday 12.30pm – Launch with Opposition Industrial Relations spokesman Brendan O’Connor, ACTU Secretary Sally McManus, ACTU President Ged Kearney, MUA National Secretary Paddy Crumlin and CFMEU National Secretary Michael O'Connor

Tuesday 3.15pm – Policy for Jobs with Opposition Transport spokesman Anthony Albanese, TCFUA National Secretary Michele O’Neil, MUA Deputy National Secretary Will Tracey


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney