Job security achieved for Port of Fremantle workers

Published: 18 Dec 2012

Dock workers at the Port oF Fremantle have achieved a successful outcome through negotiations with the Port Authority, providing a level of job security that did not previously exist.

MUA members have emerged from the Fremantle Port strike with a level of job security that previously did not exist. 

The MUA's Assistant Branch Secretary in WA, Will Tracey, said a good outcome for workers and after weeks of uncertainty and planned industrial action, success had been achieved. 

"MUA members are pleased to be back at work  – the only disappointment being that the Fremantle Port Authority could have agreed to these outcomes on Sunday and avoided industrial action altogether," Will Tracey said. 

"With the assistance of Fair Work Australia, we were able to achieve an outcome that provided the workers with the level of job security needed. 

"The workers have accepted a commitment from the Fremantle Port Authority that if there is to be privatisation leading to outsourcing or redundancies, compulsory arbitration would occur.

"We are also holding Troy Buswell to his word that privatisation is not on the cards." 

Industrial action had been delayed to allow for Christmas stock to arrive and was only pursued as an action of last resort after repeated failures of the Port Authority to agree to provide job security in the event of privatisation. 

Industrial action commenced on Monday at 5.30am and was ended late last night after a negotiated outcome was reached. Members voted to return back to work this morning. 


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney