ITF urges end to violence after killings at Marikana mine

Published: 18 Aug 2012

The ITF joined its sister global union IndustriALL in condemning the violence and expressing its condolences to the relatives and friends of those who have lost their lives. The National Union of Mineworkers in South Africa (NUM) is affiliated to IndustriALL.

ITF urges end to violence after killings at Marikana mine

17 August 2012

The International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) has expressed its deep shock and grave concern at the 35 deaths so far reported in violent incidents between police and striking workers at the Marikana platinum mine in South Africa and the surrounding areas.

The ITF joined its sister global union IndustriALL in condemning the violence and expressing its condolences to the relatives and friends of those who have lost their lives. The National Union of Mineworkers in South Africa (NUM) is affiliated to IndustriALL.

According to the NUM, the killings have followed a campaign by the management of Lonmin, a UK-based mining company (formerly Lonrho plc), to weaken the union by backing breakaway factions and using divide and rule tactics.

ITF General Secretary David Cockroft said: “We are all appalled at these deaths. We back the NUM’s demand that Lonmin take responsibility to ensure that calm and safety are urgently restored.”

ITF President Paddy Crumlin said: “It is vital that the union movement in South Africa retains its unity and discipline at a difficult time. We welcome the leadership shown by the NUM and the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) in appealing for calm and we support their call for a thorough investigation to bring to justice those responsible for these killings.”


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney