ITF Calls On Affiliates To Support Rotterdam Dockworkers

Published: 11 Feb 2012

The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) is calling on dockers' affiliates to support dockworkers at the port of Rotterdam who are involved in an ongoing dispute over the terms and conditions of a new CBA for workers at the terminal Maasvlakte 1.

Management at APM Terminals Rotterdam have been unwilling and uncompromising in their negotiations with ITF affiliate in Rotterdam, FNV Bondgenoten.

Since APM Terminals are building a new terminal on Maasvlakte 2, the union want guarantees that the workers have job security at both terminals; that their conditions of labour are not jeopardised.

Where the ITF supports the best practice of social dialogue and negotiations, FNV informed us that  the process of good faith bargaining has been undermined and that they were therefore forced to take action on 30 January in the form of information and consultation meetings.

Maersk Line, sister company of APM Terminals and the major customer at the terminal, responded by diverting ships to other European ports.

Dockers' unions are being called on to receive these ships with appropriate caution and to take whatever lawful action deemed necessary to express solidarity with the workers of Rotterdam.

Dockers' unions from around the world have already been showing solidarity with FNV- we are calling on you to do organise lawful protests and send message of solidarity to

Please find more information at:





Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney