ITF Appeal for Gaza

Published: 18 Jul 2014

The ITF is launching an emergency humanitarian appeal for money to supply medical supplies and equipment to the people of Gaza. We have also condemned the civilian death toll caused by the Gaza air strikes.

The ITF Amman Office is in communication with our affiliates and other organisations in Gaza and has begun coordinating preparations to dispatch emergency relief as soon as this becomes practically possible.

The ITF is calling on affiliates to support this urgent appeal. Donations should be made to the ITF Gaza Fund using the bank details below and marking donations with the reference GAZ-00001.

General Fund US Dollar Account Account No: 68619219
Sort Code: 40-05-15
Swift Code: MIDLGB22
IBAN No: GB98 MIDL 4005 1568 6192 19
Account Name: International Transport Workers Federation

In AUSTRALIA you can donate via the MUA

Maritime Mining and Power Credit Union BSB 802-884 ACCT 4626s1 or Commonwealth Bank BSB 062-006 ACCT 1001 0464

Please add your name and "GAZA" when depositing.



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney