International Solidarity In Fight Against Patrick's Automation

Published: 7 Aug 2012

In a show of global solidarity the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) has received dozens of letters of support from affiliated unions all over the globe, condemning the actions of Patrick’s Port Botany operations return to their mean and tricky ways implemented during the 1998 dispute.

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MUA National Secretary and ITF Dockers Chair Paddy Crumlin said it showed that international solidarity among dockers, seafarers and transport workers was alive and well.

"One of the most pleasurable things about being ITF President is watching the workers of the world unite," Paddy Crumlin said.

"All working men and women know that you need to come together at times like this,

"We won't stand idly by and allow companies make poor managerial decisions which impact directly on the lives of their workforce and their families.

"No automation without negotiation is the way it has to be and we won't stop fighting until the battle is won." Mr Crumlin said.

There will be a yard meeting at Port Botany on Friday August 10 and the workers will be presented with the messages of solidarity.

Some of the letters are available to download:

Support letter from the ILWU here.

Support letter from the National Federation of Dockworkers Union of Japan here.

 Support from the Maritime Union of New Zealand here.

 Support letter from the Norwegian dockworkers union here.

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Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney