Important Notice to MUA Seafarers Regarding Ratings Certification

Published: 22 Feb 2017

Seafarers who currently hold a valid Integrated Rating Certificate of Proficiency (IR COP) and have revalidated prior to the 31/12/2016, may or may not hold the compliant qualification to sail on vessels which require STCW Reg II/5 & III/5 certificates.

 Our understanding is that this includes vessels that sail under Norway, Panama and Antigua/Barbados flags, but may extend to other flags we are not aware of.


If the seafarer falls into this category and requires a STCW Reg II/5 & III/5, IR COP, they are eligible to apply to AMSA on the proviso that they have completed at least 7 months sea service since being issued with the STCW Reg II/4 & III/4 IR COP.


If the IR believes he/she is eligible for a Certificate of Proficiency as Integrated Rating issued as STCW Reg II/5 and Reg III/5 they should contact AMSA by either:


  1. going to one of the main AMSA regional offices in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Fremantle, or
  2. send an email to AMSAConnect , or
  3. phone AMSAconnect on 02 6279 5000




For those that have to revalidate their IR COP there are two routes available:

  1. For those that have completed the required sea service. This means that the seafarer has at least 12 months qualifying sea service in last 5 years or at least 3 months in the last 6 months immediately preceding revalidation, have completed the continued competence refresher training in sea survival and firefighting (about 1½ days) and hold a valid Certificate of Medical Fitness.
  2. For those that do not have the minimum sea service in paragraph 1 above.  In this case the seafarer will be required to complete two STCW courses in FULL.  They are Fire prevention & firefighting (Basic fire) AND Certificate of Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boat.  They will also be required to hold a valid Certificate of Medical Fitness.

At the time of revalidation AMSA will determine if the IR is eligible for a STCW Reg II/5 & III/5, IR COP.


AMSA have advised that they have not issued any Minimum Safe Manning Documents to Australian registered vessels that require a seafarer to hold to Certificate of Proficiency STCW II/5 & III/5.

If a member is having any issues after contacting AMSA please contact your branch officials. 






Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney