Hutchison Workers Resolute

Published: 31 Aug 2015

As the union moves into negotiations in the Fair Work Commission (FWC) over the next couple of days, the community assemblies remain ongoing.

Assistant National Secretary Warren Smith, who is taking part in the FWC discussions, said it was important to keep up the pressure because the company would never had come to the table if the assemblies were not initiated in Brisbane and Sydney.

“The sacked 97 workers, despite being ‘reinstated’ by Federal Court injunction, remain in limbo for the time being,” Smith said.
“They are receiving wages but are yet to get through the gate and still require moral support in this trying time.
“Therefore I am asking all members and supporters to continue their attendance at the two assemblies.
“The support from members, other unions and the community has been amazing up until this point and its important that we show our solidarity and that the MUA won’t be going anywhere until we secure an acceptable result.”

Last week the MUA made a show against Vodafone in Sydney, Brisbane in Melbourne as part of a #BigLittleProtest. Read the story here. This was part of an escalation against Hutchison, which owns 50 per cent of the global telco.
A petition calling on Vodafone to intervene is available here.
Donations are also still being accepted.
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Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney