Heavy Vehicle and Maritime Regulators Become Law

Published: 20 Aug 2012

The Queensland Parliament today passed historic legislation establishing Australia’s first National Heavy Vehicle Regulator.

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The new regulator will commence on 1 January next year. 

Long haul freight operators will no longer need to meet different laws and rules for log books, driving hours and maximum loads as they cross state borders. 

Truckies will have the freedom to drive across eight Australian states and territories under the one rule book, ending a huge compliance burden.

On the same day, Federal Parliament passed legislation to establish Australia’s first national marine safety regulator.

The new marine regulator will lift safety standards, reduce red tape and better protect our marine environment from pollution and maritime accidents.

All of this follows the passage of legislation in South Australia earlier this year, establishing Australia’s first National Rail Safety Regulator.

For more than a century, our railways have been governed by multiple sets of rules and laws which created confusing red tape and duplication. Rail operators will be able to get national accreditation instead of having to apply in each state and territory. 

From 1 January 2013, for the first time in Australia’s history, our railways, roads and seas will each come under single regulators, with one set of national regulations.   This will cut the number of transport regulators across Australia from 23 to 3.

For the 111 years since Federation, Australia has suffered the inefficiencies of competing jurisdictions. The Government’s historic transport reforms put an end to this and will deliver $30 billion in flow-on benefits for the nation over the next 20 years.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney