Gurindji People Voice Their Support For First Peoples Voice to Parliament

Published: 25 Aug 2017

The Gurundji People have used the anniversary of the Wave Hill Walkoff to add their voice to the call for a constitutionally enshrined First People’s voice to Parliament.


Kalkarindji Traditional Owner and spokesperson for the Gurindji Rob Roy made the following statement today:


“The Gurindji people today state our strong support for the Referendum Council recommendation for a constitutionally enshrined First People’s voice to Parliament,” he said.


“Today on the anniversary of the Wave Hill Walkoff, we reenacted the walk off that was the beginning of our struggle for land rights and fair working conditions. 


“It was our actions that led to Prime Minister Gough Whitlam giving our country back to us in the symbolic gesture that is celebrated today in Australian history. 

“The call of Voice Truth and Treaty out of Uluru this year was another action that we will be a part of."


“Dr Yunupingu put down a challenge to our Prime Minister at Garma to see the call for a voice enacted."


“We join our voice with theirs with the vision of seeing a Gurindji speaking to parliament, and the truth being told about our history.


“A settlement of our sad past can be resolved by Makarrata.”


MEDIA CONTACT: Thomas Mayor 0437 650 221


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney