Global Union Federation Has Got Carnegie's Back

Published: 12 Feb 2013

The support for Bob Carnegie has swept Australia, from coast to coast. Now, the International Trade Union Confederation has made it clear that the global trade union movement will back up the community support for Bob Carnegie.

Image - Bob Carnegie

The support comes in the form of a declaration by Sharan Burrow, General Secretary of the ITUC. Burrow's full statement follows:

"The ITUC is deeply concerned at the pursuit of contempt charges against Mr Bob Carnegie by Abigroup, a subsidiary of Lend Lease. We are watching this case closely, especially given that this is a company that promotes itself on decent values.

While the majority of the charges were withdrawn at the beginning of the court hearing, Mr Carnegie still faces 18 charges brought by the company - charges to which he has pleaded not guilty and which should never have been brought in the first place.

The ITUC adds its voice to all those calling upon Abigroup and Lend Lease to withdraw all the charges against Mr Carnegie, and will continue to monitor the situation closely."

The ITUC statement, which had been communicated previously, comes one day after 36 charges against Carnegie were dropped. He still faces a fight for full exoneration of 18 additional charges.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney