Entsch is Out of Touch, Leichhardt Needs a Change

Published: 30 Jun 2016

With less than four days until Australians headed to the polling booth, workers rallied outside of Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch’s office to highlight his ineffectiveness as a local member, yesterday.

Watch the video here.

Protestors against the Liberal National Party claimed that Mr Entsch has not done enough for the electorate in terms of jobs, or on matters of progressive social change.

MUA Assistant National Secretary Ian Bray said Mr Entsch was hypocritical in echoing the slogan of stability, jobs and growth given the Government’s track record.


“Entsch says vote for me for stability, which is hugely ironic given Mr Entsch’s support of Prime Minister Turnbull’s back stabbing of Tony Abbott,” Mr Bray said.

“Entsch says vote for me on jobs and growth but Queensland’s unemployment rate soared to more than six per cent just months after Entsch’s election in 2013 and has shown no signs of abating. One quarter of Far North Queensland’s youth are out of work.


“Entsch says he is socially progressive, yet authorises signs portraying female opposition candidates as witches and is part of a party which wants to hold a plebiscite on marriage equality that will mean nothing if he is re-elected, as Turnbull has admitted it will be non-binding.”

The rally also heard from an unemployed seafarer Dale Eaton who was dragged from his workplace in the middle of the night by security guards, only to be replaced by exploited foreign workers, paid as little as $2-an-hour and not subject to the same protections and regulations as an Australian worker.



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney