Dumped! National Radioactive Waste Won't Be Disposed Of At Muckaty

Published: 19 Jun 2014

After a long campaign by traditional owners, unions and progressive organisations across the country, the Commonwealth Government has committed not to pursue plans for a national radioactive waste dump at Muckaty, 120km north of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory.

The campaign to oppose the dump began in 2005, with strong support and involvement of the MUA.

Upon hearing the news, Assistant National Secretary Ian Bray dispatched the following message to traditional owners:

"Dear Muckaty Traditional Owners,

On behalf of the Maritime Union of Australia I want to warmly congratulate you on your historic victory to protect your land from radioactive waste.

When the Commonwealth Government first announced plans to use Muckaty lands as a dump for nuclear waste, it was simply assumed by most that it was an inevitability - a done deal.

Yet your spirit, smarts and sheer tenacity have resulted in a great Australian victory for the underdog.

I know that Muckaty Traditional Owners - and many others who supported your cause - have travelled tirelessly across the country to build awareness and support.

I know that behind the scenes many have worked diligently on organising continual letters, rallies, meetings, community conversations, trips to Tennant Creek, fundraising gigs, and movie nights.

What a magnificent thing it is that all this effort has finally paid off handsomely.

MUA members are often required to move radioactive waste, so it is an issue that resonated strongly with our members from the start.

We are proud to have stood with you in your fight and we are overjoyed that you have been successful.

I am certain that the bonds we have forged during this long struggle will remain strong for many, many years to come.

Your great victory is an inspiration to all of us who fight for justice in the face of overwhelming power.

I hope you celebrate long and hard - you truly deserve it.

Yours sincerely,

Ian Bray

MUA Assistant National Secretary

In addition, you can read a statement from the Beyond Nuclear Initiative here.

Other resources on the long campaign include:

MUA Muckaty 2012 rally:


MUA members participating in a television ad opposing the Muckaty dump:


Muckaty Voices video by the Beyond Nuclear Initiative:


MUA Video:




Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney