DP World Spies on its Workers

Published: 10 Aug 2016

You are being spied on by DP World. Your rights have been torn up and thrown out the porthole. No consultation took place when DP World decided to put cameras in to watch you.

In fact, the union was only informed after the cameras were installed.

Some of the cameras look right into the smoko rooms.

Everything you do in your own time is being filmed! 

Who controls the cameras?

What will they be used for and where does the footage go?

Will it be your next meeting with the would be copper investigators?

Will it be EVIDENCE for you or your next comrade to be sacked through spying?

Our Demands

Some issues and demands:

  • Stop spying on your workers immediately, DP World
  • Move resolutions in your workplace opposing DPW’s spying and demand that management turn the cameras off
  • Demand that your rights and the rights of your union are honoured in DPW’s resort to spying and lying to deceive its workforce
  • If they watch your every move it makes sense to follow every policy and procedure – remember you are being spied on
  • You should also demand that every policy and procedure is followed by the company (we know it isn’t and we didn’t have to be 007 to work it out)
  • Demand that a meeting take place involving wide representation to deal with this disgrace

To download the leaflet on this and the dispute on mooring with DP World, click here.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney