Crumlin Meets With Immigration Minister Over Allseas Decision In Federal Court

Published: 23 May 2012

MUA National Secretary Paddy Crumlin has met with Immigration Minister Chris Bowen to discuss the union's campaign to support the jobs of Australian workers in the offshore oil and gas industry.

Mr Crumlin was joined by ACTU Assistant Secretary Tim Lyons for the visit to Parliament House in Canberra, following last week's resolution passed at ACTU Congress to make the Chevron campaign a priority.

Mr Crumlin met Mr Bowen to discuss the judgement handed down by the Federal Court in Perth last Friday in the case between Allseas and the Minister for Immigration.

The court found that Allseas vessels involved in the installation of pipeline for the Gorgon and Jansz gas fields were not operating inside the Migration Zone.

The judgement applies to the the Solitaire and Lorelay but could have broader implications.

It means that  non-citizens working aboard the Vessels will not be working within the ‘migration zone', so the normal rules of a 457 visa would not apply.

As workers aboard these two vessels don't need any visa at all, there is no obligation to offer the pay and conditions offered to Australian workers and 457 visa holders.

Mr Crumlin said his discussions with the Minister had been productive and that the Deaprtment of Immigration and Citizenship was now assessing the written decision from the court.

"This decision could have far reaching implications for all workers in the offshore oil and gas industry," Mr Crumlin said.

"Potentially, many workers' jobs could now be in jeopardy and they could be replaced by foreign workers on inferior wages and conditions.

"We supported the Minister's decision to oppose Allseas in this matter and we now call on him to take further action.

"The Minister indicated that the government is sympathetic to our position and he is now considering his options."






Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney