Crumlin: Drop The Charges Against Bob Carnegie

Published: 5 Feb 2013

Bob Carnegie is a long time trade union activist who is under a concerted attacked by Abigroup simply because Bob played a role in a community support effort during the struggle for a fair contract at the Queensland Children’s Hospital construction site in Brisbane.

Image - Carnagie.jpeg  
[Picture: Drop The Charges Against Bob Carnegie]  

Bob is now facing a trial which begins 11th February. For more information on the case and the support for Bob, you can visit this site.

As part of the community support efforts, National Secretary Paddy Crumlin dispatched the following communication:

To National Councillors, National Officers and Branch Officials:

I am writing to ask you to support the solidarity efforts underway on behalf of Bob Carnegie.

Bob is a long time trade union activist who led a community protest in support of workers at the Queensland Children’s Hospital construction site in Brisbane. As a result of his activism, he faces 54 separate court charges from the building contractor, Abigroup, as well as a civil case for damages. The trial begins 11th February in the Federal Magistrates Court in Brisbane. It was reported at National Council and has been reported on within the union.

The legal case against Bob is a simple case of corporate bullying. The actual dispute with Abigroup, which is owned by Lend Lease, was settled and, in fact, as part of the settlement, Abigroup agreed not to pursue legal action against a number of QHC workers.

But, they are putting a full legal press on against Bob. Bob faces a jail sentence and over a million dollars in fines, as well as thousands of dollars in legal expenses.

What did Bob do during his support for the community protest? He spent every day at the protest, cooked a barbeque to make sure people were fed and just provided a helping hand. He acted in good trade union fashion, putting his passion, energy and solidarity to work.

Around the country next week, community rallies are being held on 11th February to support Bob. In Sydney, Branch Secretary Paul McAleer will be speaking at the community rally to be held at 10:30 a.m. at 30 Hixon Road, the Bond Building. The rally in Brisbane will be held at 9 a.m. at the Federal Magistrates Court.

I would ask that you to contact your trade union centres and networks and support the community rallies on behalf of Bob that I understand will be taking place next week.

I will be writing the company, along with other concerned unions, to highlight our support and the deep community concerns on the heavy handed and unnecessary legal action being taken by the company against Bob.

In Unity,

Paddy Crumlin

National Secretary MUA


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney