Crew receive further medical checks after fire

Published: 7 Jan 2010

Crew from the Hong Kong registered container vessel APL Columbia were receiving further precautionary medical checks in Melbourne today after fire engulfed their accommodation quarters on Tuesday in Sydney.




 “After 13 of the crew were rushed to hospital on Tuesday with smoke inhalation and possible burns they were all fortunately discharged yesterday morning and, after being satisfied that all operating systems were working, the ship sailed to Melbourne”, said International Transport Federation National Co-ordinator, Dean Summers.

“We also saw that the largely Chinese crew had follow-up medical attention, with a team visiting the ship today.

“The attention didn’t end there though. Through the ITF network we are ensuring that all crew have adequate accommodation and we are helping them negotiate possible compensation for loss of any personal property or effects”, said Summers.

The ship is chartered by the global APL, operated by the Hong Kong-based Univan Ship Management and also registered and owned in Hong Kong by the Miltons Way group.



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney