Commemorating the life of Sonwabo Eddie Funde

Published: 14 Jun 2018

Tributes have come in from all around the world following the passing of anti-Apartheid hero Eddie Funde. 

Eddie was the ANC Chief Representative to Australia from 1983-1992. Eddie was well known not just to the MUA and its predecessor unions, the SUA and WWF, but also the union movement more broadly. Eddie helped to establish the Australian ANC Support Committee, which brought together union, women’s, church, and Indigenous groups to bring about the end of apartheid. He also organised support for refugees in Zambia and Tanzania and will be sorely missed by comrades the world over. 

Eddie reportedly died on May 22 at the age of 74 after suffering cardiac arrest. President of ANC Veteran’s League Dr Snuki Zikalala described Eddie as a hard worker who never backed down on what he believed was right. 

"The former freedom fighter joined the ANC’s underground movement and went into exile when the organisation was banned. His role in the struggle was momentous,” Dr Zikalala said. “It’s sad times for the ANC. The past two months have been difficult – seeing our icons departing from this world is not easy.”

When South Africa gained democracy in 1994, Eddie served in various public and private agencies in an executive and non-executive capacity, including the South African Ambassador to Germany.

A celebration of his life will be held on Tuesday June 19 at 12.30pm at Trades Hall in Susses St, Sydney. All are welcome.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney