Comcare Survey

Published: 10 Jul 2017

ALL MUA Seagoing HSR's and former HSR's please complete this survey.

Survey of Health and Safety Representative within the Seacare Scheme
If you are currently undertaking, or have previously undertaken, the role of a Health and Safety Representative (HSR) the Seacare Authority would like to hear about your experiences.
The Seacare Authority has developed a short survey for any seafarers within the Seacare scheme, who are currently or have previously undertaken the role of a HSR. The purpose of this survey is to collect information about your views and experiences while in this role.
The survey is voluntary. However, your responses will be valuable in helping the Seacare Authority identify ways in which it can improve the support it offers to HSRs within the scheme.
The survey takes around 10–15 minutes to complete. No personal information will be collected and your response will remain anonymous. All responses received will be handled in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.
Click HERE to go to the survey.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney