Change the Rules Melbourne Rally draws over 100,000

Published: 10 May 2018

The union movement held a massive rally yesterday (9 May 2018) in Melbourne to campaign in support of changing the rules, so workers can get a fair go and to put wage rises back on the national political agenda.



MUA’s very own Mich-Elle Myers - National Divisional Womens Representative and candidate for National President of the ALP spoke at the rally and her speech is here.

Mich-Elle spoke about how workers in our industry are facing aggressive employers and told the rally how on the MV Portland our members were ripped out of their bunks and off their ship in the middle of the night by security guards and dumped on the wharf and left with no jobs.

“These workers were replaced by exploited foreign labour paid as little as two dollars an hour.

‘It’s time to fight back,” she said.

Victorian Trades Hall Council secretary, Luke Hilakari, talked about the Federal Budget released on Tuesday saying the proposed tax cuts was throwing “crumbs” to workers.

“The $10 tax [a week] relief for poor and working people is just not good enough. They can keep that $10.

“What we actually want is a large pay rise. We don’t want a tax cut,” he said.

The rally stopped mid-march to show support to John Seftka and Shaun Reardon comrades from the Victorian Construction Division of the CFMMEU facing Court for trying to defend their members safety on the job.

The Change the Rules campaign will run up to the next Federal Election to secure a better deal for working people.

Members are strongly encouraged to go to and register your support. Be part of the fight back and let’s give workers a fair go in this country again.




Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney