CFMEU letter to the Migration Maritime Task Force supporting the MUA's submission

Published: 9 Jan 2013

The CFMEU submitted the following letter in regards to the MUA Submission dated 19 December 2012 - Review of the Application of the Migration Act to Offshore Resource Workers.

The CFMEU strongly supports the above submission by the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) to the Maritime Migration Task Force.

The CFMEU consists of three Divisions, namely the Mining and Energy Division, Forestry and Furnishing Products Division and the Construction and General Division. We are the major union in these industries and represent approximately 110,000 members, many of whom work in the resources sector.

We note the strong commitment of the Government to spreading the benefits of the resources boom to Australian workers; and the Prime Minister’s statement in May 2012 that “We will be making it contingent that companies look to the (resources sector) jobs board and if there is an Australian able and willing to do the work, then that Australian gets the work.”

The CFMEU considers that adopting the recommendations of the MUA submission will help give practical effect to these commitments.

Yours sincerely,


Dave Noonan
Assistant National Secretary
Construction, Forestry, Mining & Energy Union of Australia

Image - CFMEU Letter.jpg 


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney