Carlton United Brewery has Gone Flat in Selling out its Workers

Published: 15 Aug 2016

The MUA has been actively involved in support of the 55 sacked workers from the Carlton United Breweries in Melbourne since they were sacked and offered their jobs back on significantly less wages. 

Since their sacking they have picketed outside of the Abbotsford brewery after being delivered the news 68 days ago.

The MUA has joined the community groundswell of supporters of the workers by backing the campaign and calling on its members to boycott Carlton products:

Last Thursday WA Branch Secretary and National Presiding Officer Christy Cain spoke at a rally of more than 400 unionists and concerned community rally before attending a fundraiser at Victoria Trades Hall Council.

“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere in the country other than here with you today,” Cain told the crowd. 

“In Collie, in the mines, over in the west coast, 45% reduction in wages, here 65%.

“This dispute is going to be won, it’s going to be won, it’s not only for the 55 workers and their families its for every Australian, who has a right to have decent wages and conditions. We have to be industrially strong, politically strong and morally strong to beat them.

“These parasites that want to come over here, rip our resources out the ground – our coal, our oil, our gas, in bed with the government – they are the gangsters, they’re the ones that say it’s ok to not pay tax here: $2 billion they earned last year and didn’t pay a cent in tax.

The Victorian Branch of the MUA has been visible since the dispute kicked off, sending members and officials to help with the assembly.

State Branch Secretary Joe Italia said the dispute was an important one because it could set a precedent for all workers who are employed at the behest of contractors and limited-term contracts.  

“Carlton United Breweries are saying it’s not their problem, well I beg to differ,” Italia said. 

“Labour supply chain is their problem and the contractors they engage is their, just like it was 7-Eleven’s problem when workers there were found to be paid as little as $5-an-hour at some of the franchises.

“We’re not talking about a couple of dollars either, we’re talking about a 65 per cent decrease in take home pay.”

Meanwhile on Friday the Sydney Branch, led by Assistant Branch Secretaries Joe Deakin and Paul Garrett, and manned predominantly by the veterans and retired members used lunchtime to tell the people of Sydney about Carlton United Brewery’s disgraceful actions in a leaflet drop on Pitt St Mall organised by UnionsNSW.

In the Top End, Unions NT President and Branch Secretary Thomas Mayor undertook a speaking to tour to highlight the issue in Alice Spring and Groote Eyelandt.

To find out more abut the dispute, click here and to donate to the cause, go here.  

Remember, when choosing an alcoholic beverage to #boycottCUB

All of the photos from the Melbourne rally and Sydney handout and NT Branch meetings


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney