Brisbane MUA Sends DP World A Message: We Won't Back Down

Published: 8 Mar 2013

In a rousing show of unity, DP World workers in Brisbane unanimously approved a strong resolution condemning the company for attempting to destroy the lives of members via a process of automation.

The resolution, “Condemns DPW for their belligerent and anti-union worker approach to automating the Brisbane terminal.

We demand a trial of the automated equipment. We reject any attacks on the scope of our work in the terminal. Automation should create permanent jobs and provide job security for workers. We demand fairness for the redundancy process and reject DPW’s approach.

We demand that DPW immediately resume negotiations in good faith with the Union and implement automation in a genuine manner with due consideration to the well being and lives of the people at DPW who actually make their profits.”

The resolution came at the end of a four-hour strategy meeting where workers shared various experiences. Branch Secretary Mick Carr and Deputy Branch Secretary Trevor Munday both reviewed aspects of the current situation.

The meeting began with a thorough presentation by Warren Smith, MUA Assistant Secretary, which looked at the trends in automation, the union demands globally for automation and what the MUA-Brisbane demands will encompass.

Image - DP World QLD 8-3-13 WSmith 2  

[Picture: Assistant Secretary Warren Smith explains strategy for DP World campaign]


“This is a fight for unionism on the waterfront. We have no choice but to do it now and we can do it,” Smith said. “Automation will reduce jobs, we know that. But we aren’t going to let them make billions of dollars on our backs. We’re going to fight for dignity, respect, and fairness. We’re going to change the world, we’re going to change the way these global corporate monoliths treat people.

Smith also made it clear that the campaign in Brisbane has broad international support. In addition to the International Transport Workers, the campaign already has garnered pledges of support from Maritime workers in the United States, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Canada, Mexico, Fiji, Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, Spain, Russia, Latvia, Estonia and Belgium.

Check out the ITF solidarity campaign in support of DP World workers.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney