BP Warned Over FoC Plan

Published: 12 May 2015

Nautilus is backing calls for BP to rethink a move to withdraw its Isle of Man-flagged tanker British Loyalty from the Australian cabotage trades.

Unions fear the Australian-crewed vessel – which has shipped BP fuel on Australia's east coast for seven years - is set to be replaced by cheaper flag of convenience tonnage, posing a threat to safety and security in the country’s coastal waters.

British Loyalty is one of only three Australian-crewed tankers remaining in the cabotage trades and the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) warns that the sector is in crisis, with the loss of three ships in the past six months.

Delegates at the International Transport Workers’ Federation seafarers’ section meeting backed an emergency motion calling for global support for the MUA campaign to stop British Loyalty from being redeployed internationally.

Nautilus general secretary Mark Dickinson commented: ‘Nautilus urged BP Shipping to meet with the MUA when a delegation visited London in April, but they refused and now they will instead have to respond to the ITF or face a campaign for a global consumer boycott and the attentions of the ITF inspectorate worldwide.’


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney