Australian workers deserve a fairer go

Published: 25 Oct 2018

One of the features of Australian society is our sense of the fair go and equality. We believe no one can stop you from standing up for your rights. We believe that if a political leader is doing the wrong thing, is only looking after special interests and isn’t acting in the best interests of everyone, then we can tell them exactly what we think.

And if a boss is being unfair, taking all the gains of everyone’s work as profits and not agreeing to decent pay rises that people should be allowed to take actions that show they won’t be exploited.

But in recent years Australia has fallen down the list of most socio-economically equal nations in the world from 4th in 2016, to 9th last year, to 15th today. according to the global Social Progress Index. The index groups countries into six tiers and for the first time we have been tipped out of the "Tier 1" countries. Australia is now listed in Tier 2 alongside countries such as Costa Rica, Chile and Uruguay.

One of the key factors in our drop down the equality index is the low level of political power Australians now enjoy compared with the rest of the world. We are now 46th on the measure of equality of political power.

We see the evidence of this every day with big corporate and political power overwhelming everyday people. The royal commission into the banks has shown countless examples of this, with people having their hard-earned savings stolen by the banks. In the aged care sector, we’re seeing the appalling treatment of our most vulnerable elders by the for-profit businesses that now dominate the sector.

You could just as easily point to the big energy companies who have overseen a doubling of electricity prices in the past decade and a tripling of their profits, with people seemingly powerless to do anything about it. Australians are starting to wonder how many royal commissions we need to get to the bottom of this ocean of corporate misconduct.

The problem of excessive corporate power and greed is far wider than two or three industries. Across the economy, we have seen wages go backwards in real terms over the past year, whereas profits grew 9.7 per cent, seasonally adjusted, based on the National Accounts. This is no accident – we have lost the power needed to bargain for fair wages because big business now has too much power.

Increasingly workers' capacity to bargain for better pay and conditions is hampered by a system that allows employers to frustrate the process.

Even the International Monetary Fund has pointed to the disempowerment of workers to negotiate fair pay with the deregulation of the labour market, saying this has underpinned the sluggish global recovery for workers’ wages since the global financial crisis.

A recent survey of workers found 80 per cent of Australians said they hadn’t had a pay increase that kept up with the cost of living or hadn’t had any pay increase at all in the past 12 months.

There are workplaces in Australia whose enterprise agreement expired years ago. Companies can simply pretend to negotiate in good faith, holding up the process through legal tricks and, in the meantime, the workforce watches their wages flatline while the cost of food, electricity and housing goes up and up.

Recent research released by the ACTU shows that the actual cost of living for working people is more than double the oft used and barely understood Consumer Price Index, as real prices for electricity, gas, healthcare, transport and other everyday essentials go up by as much as five times wage growth.

And things are worse for the increasingly casual and contracted parts of the workforce in Australia, where there is virtually no capacity to negotiate with the boss and workers put up with insecure jobs, no sick or holiday leave and no protection from being unfairly sacked. On the Social Progress Index, Australia this year dropped to 34th on the measure of vulnerable employment.

There are a lot of changes required to fix the broken rule book of Australia’s workplace relations system, but the reforms should be built around laws that rebalance the system and give working people a fairer share of the wealth they create.

Our laws should give working people power, to negotiate fair pay and job security and create a balance between the power of the employer to say “no” and the needs of working people to have job security and decent pay for decent work.

Our laws should enshrine the Australian principle of a fair go; where workers are not forced to go backwards simply because they do not have the power to prevent it happening.

Sally McManus is secretary of the Australian Council of Trade Unions.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney