Published: 7 Jul 2014
Thousands of people took to the streets yesterday to protest the most unfair and unjust Budget delivered in Australia’s history.
Newcastle Branch Secretary Glen Williams said there was a massive showing with more than 1000 people hitting Civic Park.
"A lot of people in the Hunter area will be hit hard by many of the Budget measures, none more so than the elderly and pensioners," Williams said.
"The community is angry and they're not scared about fighting the Government at every opportunity and we're more than happy to join them in the fight."
Deputy National Secretary Mick Doleman who attended to Sydney rally said it was heartening to see so many people unified in their opposition of the Government and the Budget.
"Abbott and his cronies are intent on attacking working people and Australia's most vulnerable," Doleman said.
"Well we won't stand for it and I think today has shown that if you take away things like universal health care, fair and free education and make massive cuts to welfare, you'll have a hell of a fight on your hands.
“Now is the time for people power, we have to unite to fight not just the Budget but fight this nasty Government to ensure they only get one term.”
Prior to the rally Unions NSW Secretary Mark Lennon called on the cross-benchers to stand up for working Australians and block he Budget.
“If new Senators allow this budget through in its current form it will fundamentally reorient Australia, making us a less fair society. They have a critical opportunity to defend mainstream Australian values,” Mr Lennon said.
“This budget rips $80 billion from health and education and yet at the same time introduces a $7 GP co-payment, shredding Australians’ cherished right to universal health cover through Medicare.
“Australians believe in Medicare because it makes us a better and more inclusive society.
“This budget will also see the introduction of $100,000 degrees, dashing the hopes of kids from working families who aspire to tertiary education.
“And the cuts to welfare, pensions and parenting payments will combine with higher petrol costs to push many households to the brink of financial hardship.
“This is a budget that will change the face of Australian society, propelling us towards US-style inequality.”