Albanese v. Shorten both men prove their worth

Published: 9 Oct 2013

Last week the MUA executive board decided that both Anthony Albanese and Bill Shorten were worthy candidates for the Labor leadership.

Following this decision, the MUA posed a series of questions to both candidates that are integral to the union's policy agenda.

Anthony Albanese and Bill Shorten were asked whether they would:

Continue and enhance the 2012 Shipping Reforms to ensure the enacted package of legislation meets its objectives to revitalise the Australian Shipping Industry.

Fund the 2013 Maritime Workforce Development Strategy and legislate for the training obligation.

Develop a new Visa subclass to complement the Migration (Offshore Resources Activity) Act 2013, with, as a minimum, the safeguards of the 457 Visa.

Extend Occupational Health & Safety harmonisation to the offshore industry, consistent with the model Commonwealth Work, Health, and Safety Act 2011 and Regulations.

Produce new legislation to address the consequences of the dis-application of the Navigation Act 2012 to vessels deemed facilities under the jurisdiction of NOPSEMA, to re-apply all IMO and ILO Conventions addressed in the Navigation Act 2012

Support an offshore industry summit of government, employers and unions to establish an effective labour relations bargaining framework addressing labour standards, safety, employment security and workforce development that will ensure the workforce gets a fair share of the prosperity in the sector.

Implement the recommendations of the recent Seacare review to ensure improved Workers Compensation outcomes for seafarers and harmonisation of seafarers OHS consistent with the model Commonwealth Work, Health, and Safety Act 2011 and Regulations

Implement the National Stevedoring Code of Practice

Establish a Government Agency to facilitate financing from Not For Profit Superannuation Funds for long-term infrastructure

Amend the Fair Work Act 2009 to:

  •  - include coverage for all classes of ships    
  •  - cover ballast and repositioning legs for ships using a Temporary Licence issued under the Coastal Trading (Revitalising Australian Shipping) Act 2012
  •  - extend section 33 beyond “fixed platforms” to all offshore activities.

Allow proper resourcing for the Fair Work Ombudsman to enforce the law on ships  operating in Australian waters, including foreign flagged ships

Oppose the Coalition Government’s decision to re-establish the Australian Building and Construction Commission.

Anthony Albanese and Bill Shorten responded positively to all questions and have pledged to enthusiastically support the MUA's agenda.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney