Adrian Evans On The Campaign Trail

Published: 18 Jun 2013

Image - Adrian Evans Midland Train station

Adrian Evans, WA's Deputy Branch Secretary, is not wasting any time reaching out to voters throughout the electoral seat of Hasluck. The pre-selected Labor candidate was out early this morning before sunrise to greet voters at the Midland train station.

Evans has already reached out to hundreds of voters throughout the district. He understands the challenging environment facing the Labor party. But, putting in the hard yards now--with hundreds of phone calls by Evans himself and daily conversations with voters--will pay off on election day.

The seat of Hasluck has swung back and forth between Labor and the Liberals since it was created in 2001. "The entire union movement in WA is behind our campaign because we all know it's real and genuine and doable," says Evans, as he pauses for a moment from greeting commuters.

Image - Adrian Evans Midland Train station #2  
[Picture: Adrian Evans Speaks To Voter]  

Indeed, a recent poll shows a Labor Primary vote in WA of 33%. This is better than the 31.4% in election 2010 and is a slight swing to Labor in WA since the 2010 election. 

With a lot of hard work, Hasluck remains one of Labor's best hopes at this election.

What can MUA members do to support one of our own?

First, go to Adrian's Facebook page and "like" it.

Second, give a few hours of your time between now and election day. You do not have to live in WA to make a difference!!! A phone call to a possible supporter can be made from anywhere in the country--the campaign team will help you make that happen. Email the campaign at:


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney