ABS Reveals Patterns Of Australian Box Movements

Published: 19 Sep 2011

More than 85% of all containers shipped to Australia’s biggest ports were discharged within their respective states, a newest of figures compiled by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) shows.

About 90% of all containers imported to Sydney Ports in 2009-10 were distributed to suburbs in New South Wales or ACT.

88% of all containers arriving in Melbourne were delivered to areas within Victoria and 90% of Adelaide’s containers were sent to postcodes in South Australia.

92% percent of all containers shipped to Fremantle Port and Brisbane Port were distributed within their respective states.

Sydney suburbs of Smithfield, Wetherill Park and Woodpark were among the top destinations (20%) for all containers arriving in Sydney, the postcodes of 3175 (which include Dandenong, and Duneran) received a fifth of all Melbourne’s containers while 18% of Brisbane’s volumes were delivered to postcodes including Wynnum and Lytton.

About 30% of all containers at Adelaide’s port were delivered to postcode 5013, which includes the suburbs of Rosewater and Ottaway and 19% of all Fremantle’s load were distributed to suburbs including Cloverdale and Kewdale.

Details of Australia’s container movements were released by the ABS in its “Information Paper: Experimental Statistics on International Shipping Container Movements, 2009-10 (First Issue),” catalogue number 5368.0.55.018.

Feedback is sought by the ABS on the data and the collection process. Interested parties can contact the ABS on this topic by email to international.trade@abs.gov.au by 24 October 2011. Alternatively, phone Mark Nelson on 02 6252 7890.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney